This entry will be a random cornucopia of things.
1)I bought the new Shins album.
Looooove it! If anyone wants a listen come on over! Or I can rip you a copy. Or you can just ride in my car since it has been in heavy rotation ever since I got it. It also came with a very cool sticker.
2)I am super stoked to see the Prestige. Blockbuster sent me an email this morning that it is on its way. I really liked the Illusionist, and my friends have told me that the Prestige is like, infinity times better. I dig magic, so I'm excited. Not the cheesy my cane just turned into a bunch of cheap nylon cotton blend flowers, more like the stuff that David Blaine
used to do. Also, two words as to why I will enjoy this movie. Christian Bale.
3)Went with my friend to a doctors appointment the other day, then to eat dinner, and pick up her
prescription. Hilarity ensued.
When writing the
prescription, the doc ominously told her that she needed to be near a toilet, or if possible, take it while on the toilet because she might not make it. So we dropped off the prescription and went to dinner, completely forgetting all about it. Afterwards, we returned to the pharmacy via the drive through. The pharmacist came back with a rather large package, roughly as big as an economy sized tampon box. It was wrapped in a plastic bag which I guess was for privacy, but the text on the side could clearly be seen. It said "Bowel Prep Kit". My poor friend was horribly embarrassed, and me, being the bad
friend that I am began promptly laughing my ass off.
Me: "I feel like I know you so much better now. So glad I could share in this
excruciatingly embarrassing moment with you."
Friend: "shut up, bitch!" *Blushes madly*
Me: "Hey! this comes in three delicious new flavors! cherry, lemon, and orange! I would pick the cherry personally. "
20 something Pharmacy guy: " you have any questions about this?" *looks away uncomfortably*
Friend: "No!" *peels out*
Heeheehee. That story will get retold over an over again. Now, whenever she starts teasing me or being a smart ass, I'll be like "Bowel Prep Kit!" and she will be stunned into silence.
Ahh. The joys of friendship.
4)It was recently noted that the local billy bar whiskey dick's is now closed. The owner, in efforts to purge his bar of its previous unsavory reputation is moving to a new location on main street, which currently remains unnamed.
Some of my ideas for a new name:
Amaretto Titties
Captain Cameltoe
Tequila Testicles
Just a thought.
5) I put a bunch of new photos on
flickr. If they seem really unorganized, it's because I can't figure out how to change the dates to put them in order. Mostly, I just don't feel like messing with it anymore. I've got some pictures of artwork I did in college, and animals at the wildlife rehabilitation center I volunteer at. I've put a link in my sidebar. Enjoy!
Labels: magic, pooping, the shins