Peoples Republic of Julia

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

May your evening be filled with ghouls and goodies and a good time had by all!

It's been a long day, and I am looking forward to getting my drink on!

Eddie and I had to attend an all staff training today, filled with "team building exercises" and lectures about respect and good communication. It was horribly boring and lame. Afterwards we went to a halloween party for some of the clients, and dressed up as sonny and cher.

Personally, I think I look pretty good in a handlebar mustache.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Going camping for the next four days.

Got the rats, they are great.

Updates and pix soonish!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


My mother just called to tell me that she has been kicked out of her church.

Apparently they don't approve of her "living in sin" with her boyfriend as an unmarried woman.

Nevermind the fact that she has been attending since 1992 and has been heavily involved in all of their activities.
Nevermind that she just got divorced in February and is the happiest she's ever been for probably the last 15 years.

A bunch of old biddies with dried up vaginas don't like it, so she gets the boot.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.

I thought these people were her friends.

Apparently none of them had the balls to speak to her in person, so they've been going to the pastor in hordes; literally crying about how she's living in sin and that they are concerned and don't feel comfortable with it.

Parents have threatened to pull their children from her sunday school class because they don't want their darling angels to be "exposed" to her lifestyle.

The pastor told her to choose the church or choose "living in sin". Obviously she chose the latter. She is completely distraught.

I told her that they are all hypocrites, and that this is exactly the opposite of what jesus would do. A church is just a symbol, and she doesn't need to go there to find god. God is wherever you want he/she/it to be. These people were never her friends, and they are all miserable malcontent bastards.

I'm glad her boyfriend was there with her, because he told the pastor exactly what I would have: to fuck right off.

I should throw my mom a "dirty sinner" party.

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