Peoples Republic of Julia

Thursday, April 02, 2009


This will only be funny if you watched battlestar galactica:

Do not read this link if you haven't watched Battlestar Galactica, there are spoilers! Sorry Mark! :(

Obama told aides he feels "like a cylon without a Resurrection Ship."


Blogger billy pilgrim said...

i feel obama's pain.

i was totally depressed when shepherd died in serenity and took down my poster the next day. i was also depressed that badger didn't show up in serenity. romo was my favorite battlestar character.

4/03/2009 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Mark said...

Ah fuckin' spoilers. Weak.

Hey, I posted a recipe on my site. It's pretty crap but I don't have much to offer in terms of culinary skillz.

4/15/2009 11:43 PM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Oh noes! I am so sorry!!!! I hope you don't hate me now? I didn't even think about people reading it that hadn't watched it yet. :(

4/16/2009 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Mark said...

It's OK. I don't understand half of what happens in that show anyway. (How did the resistance fighters get the heavy raider? Where did the real Number Six disappear to? How did Sharon know what Tigh had said to the other Sharon's dead body? And for that matter, why did Cylons not defuse Sharon's nuclear bomb? And what events happened between the 'movie' and the episode '33'? It's bizarre.)

4/16/2009 11:52 AM  

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