Peoples Republic of Julia

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

F is for freinds who do stuff together....U is for you and meeeee! N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!

Sorry, I started doing this list and it made me think of the spongebob f-u-n song.

Anyways, here's 10 things I like and 10 things I don't brought to you by the letter "f" the number 10, and the word Firkin!

1) Firmament-I love stargazing and anything to do with astrology. I don’t take horoscopes seriously, but I love reading literature about the zodiac. For fun I sometimes like to guess people’s signs by their personality and see if I’m right.

2) Fairytales-What can I say? I’m a sucker for the sentimental. I guess I just think it’s romantic.

3) Ferrets-Aww! I love my little guy. How can you resist that face?

4) Films-Absolutely love, love, love watching movies. I especially adore indie, foreign, and (good) anime films. I have an ongoing list of must see movies (there are a lot of older ones I haven’t seen), that my friends and I have compiled and I am slowly working my way through it. Right now I am trying to work on watching some older cult classics such as Plan 9 from Outer Space, Beastmaster, and Mommy Dearest. If anyone has any suggestions for additions to the movie list, let me know!

5) Fiction-I like to read. If I’m not watching a movie, I’m probably reading something. I also mourn the death of good children’s books. Remember The Giving Tree, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and Where the Wild Things Are? They don’t write books like that anymore.

6) Fauna-Our furry jungle friends bring me much joy. (With the exception of possums and turkey vultures). I also love me some Jeff Corwin. He’s my hero and a cutie to boot!

7) Funnies-Laughing is fun.

8) Fine Arts-Art is something that I've always enjoyed. Photography, drawing, painting, jewelry making, I love it all! Glassblowing is my absolute favorite. I haven't gotten to do any for a couple of years since I stopped taking classes, and man do I miss it! =(

9) Fibonacci Sequence-Numbers are cool?

10) Freedom-Because freedom isn’t free. It costs a buck o five.

Okay, I know those last one’s were pushing it, but this is difficult!

1) Four Way Stops-Why is this hard? You stop at the sign, and then you go in exactly the same order that you stopped in. It’s not rocket science.

2) Fecal Matter-I’ve had to deal with something poop related at least once a week at work for months now.

3) Fashion Fads/Fashion Whores-People that wear ramone’s t-shirts (or any band for that matter) because they’re trendy, not because they love the music need to just fuck off. Same goes for anyone that wears an entire ensemble comprised of nothing but fads.

4) Free Loaders-Nothing is more infuriating than a person that would rather milk the system than put in an honest days work.

5) Fakeness-Say what you will, but we all know that's a fake tan and fake tits. Especially when you're orange, and each breast can act as a seperate flotation device. People that are nice to your face and stab you in the back suck too!

6) Farewells-"I'll see you in another life...when we are both cats"

7) Fools-Those who do stupid things just to do them, or just for the attention get on my nerves. Enrich your minds, asshats!

8) Flies-Seems like they always find you when you are trying to sleep. Horseflies are the worst!

9) Faceplant-I am constantly running into things. So clumsy.

10) Fuel-Let's move along on the alternative fuel sources already! It's ridiculous how long it's taken for us to get to the point we are now. The sooner we become independent from foreign oil, the sooner we can end this pointless war.

Whew! Finally done! I've been compiling this list for days. Kind of sad really. Thanks to MissE and Winter for providing the idea and the letter! =)


Monday, April 23, 2007

Was watching the discovery channel yesterday and they were doing a special about animals that live in tibet. They did a segment about the wild ass:

"Female ass come and go as they please. They are highly unpredictable."

Now that's funny.

Friday, April 20, 2007

My mom and I went to the ohanami cherry blossom festival on campus this afternoon, and it was the COOLEST!! They had some really neat demonstrations with people playing traditional Japanese instruments. The first demo was koto,and the second was taiko. Both were really neat, but the taiko was amazing.

There were five really large drums, two medium ones, and four small. The instructor told us that the big drums were handmade on campus in the art department. They cut down wine barrels and stretched hides over them. Is that cool or what?

When they were drumming, you could feel your chest vibrating. I managed to take some pictures with my cell phone, so I apologize if the quality is not that great. Since it costs me 25 cents to email it to myself, I'm only able to post a couple right now. I'll put the rest on flickr once I get them onto a memory card and have access to a card reader.

Other activities included calligraphy, origami, and the ever popular karaoke, but the taiko was by far the most interesting!


Monday, April 16, 2007

"Please, tell me you bought the fucking golf shoes!"

Eddie and I went to see the aqua teens movie at levis commons this afternoon, and the carpet there never fails to make me feel a little crazy.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

I went to visit my dad a couple weeks ago, and I was pretty excited because he agreed to give me a traditional Korean dress that my mom left at the house when they split up.

Let me just start by saying that this dress is gorgeous. It’s made of red and white silk and has beautiful white peacocks embroidered on it with gold accents. I always loved it as a kid. He warned me on the phone that it was looking a little worse for the wear, because my mom never got a garment bag for it and it had been moved to the top of the closet. Imagine my horror when I found out that not only does it smell like mildew, but has also sustained some pretty extensive water damage.

I’m both bewildered and frustrated by this. Here is this beautiful dress, and my mom just left it there. Not only left it, but apparently didn’t even care enough to try and preserve it in any way. And it’s not just the dress. It’s everything. Photo albums, letters, pieces of her life. Never came back for any of it. It’s so mystifying to me.

And infuriating.

All of my life, I’ve always been missing a half of my family. My mother moved to the states with my dad before I was born, and her family cared so little that only one of her brothers came to the airport to see her off. Years went by without any kind of contact or news. Then when I was in junior high, my mom began writing her aunt in California. This went on for about a year, until one day my mom stopped writing. When I asked why, she said, “I don’t really like writing letters. I’d much rather call on the telephone.”

And that was it. The last tie to her family. Gone. And she didn’t even seem to care.

I’ve always resented her for it. I’ve never told her so, but it makes me angry. It also doesn't help that she's raking my dad over the coals with the whole divorce thing.

So yeah, the dress reminded me of all of this. I’m going to take it to the drycleaners next week, but I don’t know if they’ll be able to fix it. Such a shame. I’m hoping for the best, but will expect the worst, that way I’m not too disappointed.


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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bored. Bored. BORED!

I can't wait to go home after work and nuke some peeps.

That's all.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter is almost here. It’s time for my annual I hate peeps post.

Over glorified marshmallows covered in sugar and cut into cutesy shapes. A simple idea that has spawned an entire demon empire. The other day when I went to the grocery store, I saw peeps baking mitts and plush animals in one of the frozen food isles next to the shoestring potatoes. I don't understand why people are so rabidly devoted to these things. There are fan clubs. Clothing. Gold charms. Wtf?

And get this. One of the ingredients is Carnauba wax. That's right. An ingredient used to make automobile wax, and shoe polish. Oh yeah, and it's used to make candy corn, the other demon spawn candy. Who eats that stuff? Nobody likes it. It's a cheap filler people use when they don't want to buy good candy. And it never goes bad. A good indicator that you probably shouldn't put it in your body. I wonder if it's like chewing gum? Sitting in your intestines like a brick for years?

It's a conspiracy.

Well, that's all I've got for now. I found this awesome video on you tube called "The Easter Bunny Hates You". Enjoy.

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