Peoples Republic of Julia

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas sucks balls

It's not even thanksgiving yet, and already I am sick of christmas.

I am one carol away from shoving a pencil deep into my brain.

Is it just me, or does the commercialization of Christmas get worse every year? It used to be that the decorations and music didn't start until at least after thanksgiving. Now you go to the store the day after Halloween, and there's trees, countdowns, music, and decorations EVERYWHERE!

I really resent that the retail industry has taken something that is supposed to bring people together, and instead turned it into a materialistic contest to see who gets the newest gadget or most expensive toy. No wonder kids don't do anything but play video games and watch tv. That's what we teach them to do! When I was kid, I was thankful to get anything my parents gave me. Now it's "get me an xbox 360, or I will throw a tantrum." Evil satan spawn.

Christmas also has this magical way of turning everyone in the general populace into a utter asshole. Jesus would be proud.


Saturday, November 10, 2007


So the other afternoon at work, a resident came into the office asking to use the phone. It was a pretty standard conversation involving the scheduling of doctors appointments, meds, yadda yadda yadda. Afterwards the resident asked me if a certain staff member had informed me of what had happened to her the night before. I said no, expecting her to expound on the minutiae of the previous day.

Resident: "Last night I started bleeding out of my butt!"

C.E: *almost chokes on water* "Jesus Christ!....Sorry. You caught me off guard there."

Resident: "It's okay. I'm just worried because I have to get a colonoscopy. They're going to have to stick a camera up my butt."

C.E: "Well.....Yeah.....That Sucks."
*Looks at computer. Hopes resident gets the hint that it's too early to be talking about what's coming out of who's ass right now*

Resident: "Okay, see you later. I'm gonna have a smoke."

I mean, what do you say to that? I can't say, "Oh it won't be that bad" because frankly, a stranger is going to be introducing some cold foreign object to your ass, and it's not going to be pleasant unless you like that sort of thing.

Seems that the mentally ill spend an inordinately large portion of time thinking about their asses and what comes out of them.

Just an observation.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Things that are amusing me this week....

::::I just spelled Bivouac on a Scrabulous game, and can't help but feel a *small* twinge of smugness. Take that bitches! mwahaha! :P

::::Check out what I just got in the mail the other day! Isn't it awesome? I can't wait to eat a huge slab of meat off of it!

::::Exclamation Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::::Temperatures have finally normalized a bit, so it's officially scarf weather! This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Nothings nicer than taking a crisp walk through the autumn leaves followed by a warm raspberry hot chocolate at Grounds For Thought. *sigh*

::::The word Ungulate.

::::"High and Dry" by Radiohead, "Fired" and "Rockin The Suburbs" by Ben Folds.

::::I know that Halloween was a week ago, but I finally got around to taking pictures of Eddie's shield which I painted a design on for his costume. I got flack for wearing the same thing as last year, but I put in my time to help Eddie with his, and am quite proud of the results. One of my coworkers even asked me to draw them one so they can hang it up in their house. :)

Thursday, November 01, 2007


My ipod has 666 songs on it.

This amuses me.

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