Peoples Republic of Julia

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter is almost here. It’s time for my annual I hate peeps post.

Over glorified marshmallows covered in sugar and cut into cutesy shapes. A simple idea that has spawned an entire demon empire. The other day when I went to the grocery store, I saw peeps baking mitts and plush animals in one of the frozen food isles next to the shoestring potatoes. I don't understand why people are so rabidly devoted to these things. There are fan clubs. Clothing. Gold charms. Wtf?

And get this. One of the ingredients is Carnauba wax. That's right. An ingredient used to make automobile wax, and shoe polish. Oh yeah, and it's used to make candy corn, the other demon spawn candy. Who eats that stuff? Nobody likes it. It's a cheap filler people use when they don't want to buy good candy. And it never goes bad. A good indicator that you probably shouldn't put it in your body. I wonder if it's like chewing gum? Sitting in your intestines like a brick for years?

It's a conspiracy.

Well, that's all I've got for now. I found this awesome video on you tube called "The Easter Bunny Hates You". Enjoy.

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Blogger Vyvyan Basterd said...

peeps = delicious
you = retard

4/06/2007 1:47 PM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Hmmm. Sometimes I suspect you just like to disagree with me just to be a jerk! :P

Enjoy shitting out wax all easter!

4/07/2007 10:53 PM  
Blogger MissE said...

1. video is hilarious. Always had my suspicions about that damn rabbit.
2. ummm, what's a peeps? Is this an American thing? I followed the link but don't feel any more enlightened.

Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog! Come back anytime. *grin*

4/14/2007 8:47 AM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

:::Peeps are a marshmallow candy cut in the shape of bunnies or birds traditionally eaten on easter. Perhaps a link from wikipedia can help:

:::No problem, I am always searching for more blogs to read when I should be working!;) Thanks for visiting!

4/15/2007 9:10 AM  
Blogger MissE said...

Oh dear lord! And people EAT these things? That is just wrong... so very very wrong. Have you seen this site:
No food source should have an element that doesn't dissolve in even the nastiest solution.

4/15/2007 9:29 PM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Oh wow! I had seen a similar site, but that one was way better. How disturbing!

4/16/2007 8:21 PM  

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