Inspired by this, I've made a couple of my own.
My ex-roomate was so ghetto...
1) "I know that movie is yours….I was going to bring it back if you noticed it was gone after I moved."
2) "Oh sorry. I let my boyfriend eat the last of your hotpockets when he came over last night."
3) "Silly, why would I buy my own shampoo when I can just use yours?"
4) "I’d give you money for bills, except I spent all of it on pot and beer. Hit me up next payday."
5) "Hey, check it out! I stole this crack rock out of my friend’s mom’s purse. Wanna smoke it?"
6) "You know that new chair you just bought? I totally had sex with my boyfriend on it."
7) "That stain on your sweatshirt I borrowed? Yeah, I tried washing it, and it won’t come out. Oh well. Sucks for you!"
8) "Since my boyfriend is in jail, he has to call collect to talk to me. That’s why the phone bill is $300."
9) "Guess what? I got fired today because I stole a chicken sandwich."
10) "Like the new stereo I got for Christmas? My mom gave it to me. It’s hot*."
* as in stolen, not Paris Hilton.
Things My Mom Said to Me During My Teenage Years
1) "I prayed for him to break up with you."
2) "You went to the movies with him alone? Why don’t you just have sex with him, you slut!"
3) "Pink Floyd! I know what they stand for…Drugs!"
4) "She was dressed like the strange woman of Babylon."
5) "You pierced your navel? Oh, I am so ashamed!"
Wow, that's like four years of my life wrapped up into two minutes worth of reading. I do want to note that my mother has mellowed over the years, but occasionally she does wax religious on my ass. But it makes life interesting, you know? And probably explains a lot about why I am such a weirdo. I should write a book. Nah, I'm too lazy.