Peoples Republic of Julia

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm going to see the Black Keys October 9th! Woot! It will be at an outdoor amphitheater sitting on a blanket underneath the stars! Totally awesome!!!!

It's my friend's birthday this weekend, so I am going to Cleveland for dinner and some drunken bowling. I was thinking about wearing a dress, but beer+dress+bowling balls may make for some pretty interesting scenarios that I won't care to remember the next day. We'll see.

Picking up the rats next weekend! :) We still are stuck on names. Eddie and I have done some brainstorming, but haven't picked anything yet. Any ideas on good female rat names? Maybe I will call mine Mrs. Brisby after the mouse from secret of NIMH. I used to love that movie when I was a kid.

The other day I was on Yahoo news when I read this article. Breast milk ice cream? Gross.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Keys! (I think that's all I need to say on the topic.)

Drunken bowling! (Ditto.)

But one thing bears to be said: it's Frisby not Brisby! A rat would be really insulted by that kind of mistake. Never speak to you again.

9/28/2008 5:14 AM  
Blogger Winter said...

Yeah, Brisby is the guy who runs Brisbyland and drew Bizzy Bee, you know, from the Venture Bros. :)

9/28/2008 3:31 PM  
Blogger Winter said...

You know I just googled it, and I found it spelled both ways on wikipedia...hmm.

9/28/2008 3:34 PM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Mark-!!!!!!!!! :) I agree.

Mark and Winter-In the book her name is Mrs. Frisby. Apparently due to copyright concerns (the name bearing similarity to a popular plastic toy), they changed it to brisby for the movie. So there you be.

So which one do I use? The name from the book, or the one from the movie?

9/28/2008 7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have more than one rat, right? Use both names. Frisby & Brisby!

9/30/2008 5:33 AM  
Blogger Winter said...

Well, a purist would chose Frisby, but more people have probably seen the movie than read the book and would get the reference if you used Brisby, so I guess it depends on hom many people you plan on introducing your rats to. ;)

9/30/2008 11:03 PM  
Blogger billy pilgrim said...

ah, the lovely mrs lebowski.

don't pee on the dude's carpet.

10/03/2008 11:40 AM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Mark-Hmmm. brisby and frisby might be too confusing! They won't know what's going on, and neither will I! But I guess that's not unusual! :)

Winter-Yeah, I probably will end up naming mine something else. We'll see.

Billy-Lol. I love that movie! Luckily for my friend, all peeing took place in the restroom.

10/03/2008 12:21 PM  

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