Peoples Republic of Julia

Monday, July 14, 2008

I've been away too long and there's so much to tell you...

Hey everyone! Sorry to have gone so long between updates but I have been a seriously busy busy bee lately! Between social engagements, family, and work much has happened to blog about but I just haven't had the time.

Hmm. Where to start?

::::C and J came to visit from Indiana a couple weeks ago. Inappropriate restaurant conversations about bodily functions, public drunkenness, and random acts of karaoke ensued. After much prodding and many beers, C convinced me to release my inner rock star and we sang "I love rock and roll". It was fun, but I think I will leave the singing to the professionals.

::::The weekend of the fourth of July, A had her annual summer barbeque. She decided to call it BeardBQ in honor of a copiously bearded gentlemen we had seen a couple of weeks earlier at Aladdins. We had originally planned on wearing fake beards, but it didn't quite end up happening. Along the way eddie ended up shaving his armpits and putting the hair in a sandwich bag, we trimmed cat nails, listened to 80's anthems, and ended up at a gay bar. Don't ask.

::::My parents divorce became finalized in February, and now both parental units are entering the dating world after many years away. Both have managed to score new significant others at roughly the same time and it is a bit overwhelming with all the desired meet and greets, and trying not to mention one parent to the other. I figured it would happen eventually, but it's still a bit weird.

::::I was at work the other day waiting to assist someone with meds. They came to the door with their jeans hanging halfway off their ass. (Nothing like a bit of buttcrack to greet me at 7 in the morning!) I noticed that the pants fell just as low in the front as in the back. That's when I saw pubes. PUBES! And not just a little bit. It looked like he was growing a beard down there. Can you say traumatized?

::::Oh and I'm turning 27 in an hour and 1 minute. Here's to a good year!


Blogger Winter said...

Happy Birthday!

Here's to delicious birthday drinks tomorrow!

7/15/2008 2:53 AM  
Blogger MissE said...

Happy birthday to you!
bappy hirthday yo tou!
yappy tirthday bo houuuuuuuuuuuu!
tappy yirthday ho bou!

Hope you have a delightfully fabulous and wonderful day and get spoiled rotten.

Have a drink for me!

7/15/2008 8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I come to your site to say 'happy birthday' and I get to hear all about how Eddie keeps his armpit hair in a zip-lock bag. Thx.

Happy birthday though!

Oh, and my parents frequently gross me out with their relationships. My dad is the worst by far. He's a little bit... graphic, sometimes. So in short, I share your disgust.

7/15/2008 9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just reread that and it comes to mind that I should have said my dad's *stories* are a bit graphic. Clarity is important sometimes.

7/15/2008 9:51 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Hey, happy birthday.

7/15/2008 9:58 AM  
Blogger billy pilgrim said...

happy feckin birthday

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

it seems like 3 stiff drinks are in order.

7/15/2008 8:46 PM  
Blogger lucy said...

Hey Hey, Happy Birthday!

27 has been very good to me so far, hope it's the same for you.

And I echo Mark, parental dating stories are wrong and should not be shared with the kids. But still, hope you're handling it all okay.

7/17/2008 10:00 PM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

First of all, thank you thank you thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes! You guys are awesome, and I am so glad to know you all!

I did have a great night, so much so it has taken me two days to recover from it! Lol.

And mark, Your welcome. If you ever want any armpit hair, I can mail you some! :)

7/17/2008 11:34 PM  

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