Peoples Republic of Julia

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Work is going very well. I really like my new job, and am enjoying my new responsibilities. Today I found out that I will be heading the writer's group every Friday, and think it's going to be a lot of fun. That being said, does anyone have any suggestions for online resources or books to use? Thanks!

I went to the dentist the other day, and told him that I'd noticed that there seemed to still be a fragment in the bottom right side of my mouth where my wisdom tooth had been pulled last year. He took an x-ray and sure enough, there it was. So now I get to go back to the oral surgeon and explain that they made a mistake and didn't get all of it out. I've been putting it off because I'm afraid they are going to try and make me pay for it, which I have no intention of doing. ugg.

On a more positive note, I finally am getting two new rats! We won't get them until the 20th because they need to be weaned first, but here's some pictures:

Aren't they just the absolute cuteness???

One of my friends asked me a very interesting question yesterday, so I am going to pose it to all of you. If aliens came to Earth and asked for a book to read that would explain the human condition, what would you pick and why?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philosophers are never at a loss for books to explain the human condition! In fact, how about The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt? What it lacks in accessibility it makes up for in sheer thoroughness.

The writer's group thing sounds like heaps of fun. Maybe try nicking ideas off a university website? Or even go and talk to someone who teaches creative writing if you can play the charity card.

Cute rats, btw.

9/05/2008 3:12 PM  
Blogger Winter said...

Distracted by cute furriness!

Plz excuse me.

9/06/2008 2:32 AM  
Blogger billy pilgrim said...

god bless you, mr rosewater.

good luck with the rats.

9/12/2008 1:04 PM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Mark-Good pick! Lol. I'm very excited about the writers group, I've been using excercises I've pulled off the internet.

Winter-They are very distracting aren't they? :)

Billy-I have to admit, I haven't gotten around to reading that one yet. It's definitely on my list though.

9/18/2008 2:51 PM  
Blogger Winter said...

Answer to book question: "Apathy and other small victories"

It may not explain the human condition, but it would give them a good idea of the weirdness and fucked up-ness inherent to being human. :)

9/23/2008 2:57 AM  

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