Peoples Republic of Julia

Friday, June 06, 2008

A seinfeld moment

Yesterday Eddie and I went to an "attendance requested" (i.e. mandatory) meeting for work, and it was boring as hell. Eddie was pleased because he was getting paid for an additional 2 hours of work for sitting on his ass, and there was free soda. (What can I say? He is easily amused.)

My main gripe with the meeting was that we were given the impression that the talk was going to be about the Columbine shootings, and their affects on the local mental health agencies in the Denver area.

It wasn't.

It was a "budget cuts are pending, but don't freak out because sometimes good things can come out of these sort of shitful circumstances!" type of meeting.

In my opinion, doing this is much like a church advertising something like "free pizza party open to the public!" then locking you in afterwards to be proselytized. It is not cool at all.

Halfway through the meeting, we took a break and everyone went to the restroom, smoked, bitched about the meeting etc. When Eddie came back from the bathroom, he had a total OMG look on his face.

"Holy crap dude! I have to tell you something!"
"I went to the bathroom, and Dr. _________ was coming out of the stall. And he didn't wash his hands!"
"eww! gross!"

We had to spend the rest of the meeting trying not to laugh/be grossed out as we were sitting directly behind him. What do you do when the CEO of your agency does something like that? And it was hard not to be painfully aware of everything and everyone he was touching. I teased Eddie that this was his Seinfeld moment, and that he'd better watch out because the good doctor might try to shake his hand later. Luckily that never happened. What sucks is that I know that every time I see the man in the future, I am going to think of how hot and muggy it was yesterday and that he doesn't wash his hands after peeing.


Blogger billy pilgrim said...

maybe he once shook hands with sylvester stallone and vowed to never wash that hand again.

6/07/2008 11:22 AM  
Blogger MissE said...

I worked with a woman once who was (for a time) also my friend and was quietly horrified one day when she was visiting me to discover that she didn't wash her hands after using the toilet. Interestingly, she is also in the mental health field.

But I so couldn't look at her the same way ever again. Or let her touch me. Or anything I owned.

Oh, and it isn't the reason we aren't friends anymore. That was because she's a psycho, back-stabbing, man-stealing ho-bag I wouldn't cross the road to pee on if she were on fire... not that I'm holding a grudge or nothing! ;o)

6/09/2008 4:08 AM  
Blogger TimT said...

Oh yeah. We had a meeting like that recently, this one was about how the company was rebranding itself or some stuff. Anyway, the plus side was that they threw free pizza into the bargain. The minus side was that we had to sit through one and a half hours of CRAP while eating the free pizza.

I never cease to be amazed at the ability of marketers and executives to sit through hours and hours of bullshit and not be bored.

6/11/2008 2:20 AM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Billy-Perhaps. Still pretty gross though! :)

Misse-How horrifying! I actually wash my hands excessively because I work in the mental health field. Working with people who drool, masturbate, pee, and god knows what else without washing after makes you a little paranoid!

And I wouldn't pee on that ho-bag either if she'd done that to me. LoL.

timt-I don't know how they do it either, but I become wary when I hear the words "free pizza". It seems to be synonymous with boring meetings!

6/13/2008 7:38 AM  

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