Peoples Republic of Julia

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A compliment. Kind of.

I was sitting in the office at work the other day chatting with a couple of the clients when I took my glasses off to clean them. Then one of clients says:

"You know, if you didn't wear glasses you'd be really pretty."

LoL!! I love our clients. There's no brain to mouth filter at all, and it's kind of funny. I know I've mentioned this before, and I'll mention it again. How is it that a pair of glasses makes that big of a difference? Everytime I wear contacts, people act like I look totally different. Maybe there is some truth to that whole Clark Kent/superman glasses bit after all.

In other news, I think my car hates me. In the past 4 months, I have had to get about $1000 worth of work done to it. Mostly routine maintenance stuff, but it's been one thing after another. My car just hit 40,000 miles, and it started making a creaky noise over bumps practically the next day. I took it in for 2 different inspections at separate locations, and no one found anything. Finally the third time around they figured out it was the front struts. Once I had that taken care of, I figured everything was finally fixed and I wouldn't have to worry about anything for awhile. Then three days ago, my rear view mirror fell off! grrr! The car is only 4 years old, and I've only had it for 3. Parts should not be falling off at this point.

So I bought a glue kit, and I'm going to fix it today sometime. I just have to make sure I don't glue it on upside down! :)


Blogger billy pilgrim said...

call me crazy but i think most women look better with glasses. it gives a look of intelligence and sophistication.

6/20/2008 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right about the superman thing. When I see someone who usually wears glasses without their glasses, they always look a bit weird to me. I guess the part of your brain that remembers faces factors the glasses in, and then gets all wiggy when they're gone.

6/26/2008 6:14 AM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Billy-That's what I think too. People automatically assume I'm smart, and I don't bother to correct them! :)

Mark-Yeah I think you are right. People do seem genuinely freaked out by it.

6/26/2008 9:54 AM  

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