Peoples Republic of Julia

Monday, March 23, 2009

A boring post about my mom getting married.

Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of blogging? Maybe I need to get my priorities straight. :P

My mom is getting married in June, and she is driving me absolutely INSANE! Last week she called me five times to ask numerous questions about flowers, dresses, and cake. Apparently being married makes me an expert, and she wants to get my opinion on every single detail.

I told her that by the time it happens, she will be ready for it to be over. Take the easy way out and elope! LoL.

What's neat is that my mom is going to wear my wedding dress. At first I thought it was weird, but it's sort of like a reverse heirloom thing.

Here's what I've come to realize. Weddings are great in theory, but a pain in practice.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

So good it had to be shared

John Keats Eats His Porridge

It was hot enough to blister
The red paint of his mouth.
But if he let it lie there, glistening,
then clipped segments from the circumference,
it slid down like a soggy bobsleigh.

Grey as November, united as the kingdom,
but the longer he stared into that dish of porridge
the more clearly he traced
under the molten sugar
the outline of each flake of oatmeal.

When milk made its slow blue-tinted leap from jug to bowl
the porridge became an island.
John's spoon vibrated in his hand.
The island became a planet.
He made continents, he made seas.

This is strange porridge.
Eat it all up.

By Adrian Mitchell

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Today was a dark day.

Five people were laid off where I work, two of which I considered to be really good friends.

Things are scary right now. I worry that in July I might not have a job anymore. I’ve been told that my department is safe until then, but next fiscal year all bets are off.


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