Peoples Republic of Julia

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

May your evening be filled with ghouls and goodies and a good time had by all!

It's been a long day, and I am looking forward to getting my drink on!

Eddie and I had to attend an all staff training today, filled with "team building exercises" and lectures about respect and good communication. It was horribly boring and lame. Afterwards we went to a halloween party for some of the clients, and dressed up as sonny and cher.

Personally, I think I look pretty good in a handlebar mustache.


Blogger billy pilgrim said...

it's been my experience that nothing wrecks moral like a good team building exercise or having a lunatic boss who fixates on moral.

i hope cher wasn't too mean to you.

11/01/2008 11:26 AM  
Blogger MissE said...

You look stunning with a mo' and a peace sign, Colonel. And check out the hot chick you pulled because of it!

Nice one!

11/02/2008 1:09 AM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Billy-If anything, the exercises just showed me what a bunch of dumbasses I work with. Seriously! We did a storytelling exercise in which each individual provided one word. We'd have a storyline going and someone would say something that had nothing to do with the plot. It was ridiculous. I wanted to kill them all.

cher was wonderful. She's actually quite gracious!

Misse-Thanks! The mo' is what made the outfit. Once she saw that, she was a goner! :D

11/03/2008 8:51 PM  

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