So.....I haven't updated in 2 months! Holy crap. I can totally understand if nobody even checks this blog anymore other than Becky. LoL.
::::I finally bought a scooter. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it to start. I suspect the problem is something simple, but being unfamiliar with the mechanics of scooters, and the fact that all the parts are Chinese, we've been unable to figure out what exactly is wrong. We've contacted tech support several times, but all they do is say helpful things like: "The fuel is not getting to your carburetor, buddy." Well no shit Sherlock. I'm planning on taking it to get serviced at a scooter shop nearby, and hopefully it's something simple like faulty wiring or a blocked fuel line.
::::My dad got remarried a couple of weeks ago, and I had mixed feelings about it. To be honest his woman didn't really make such a great impression on me when I first met her, and my family wasn't all that impressed with her either. But my dad seems genuinely happy, and in the end, that's all that really matters. It was certainly an interesting event with jello shots, cornhole, and homemade moonshine concoctions.
I often feel like I don't have much in common with my dad's side of the family, because I'm the only college graduate and have way different interests and tastes than they do. But it ended up being a lot of fun, and I'm going to try and spend more time with them. I've kind of lost contact since I left for college, and everyone made sure to mention how they never see me anymore. Oh and to ask when I'll produce a progeny. *rolls eyes*
::::Eddie and I spent 4 days at a music festival at a privately owned campground, and it was a lot of fun. We met some really cool people, and it was really relaxing to unplug from our phones and computer for a few days. The guy camping next to us looked alot like Ernest Hemingway, so we referred to him as EH all week long.
EH was really nice and brought this huge harp that he played most afternoons and at dusk. It was almost as tall as our car, and EH told us it weighed between 65-70 pounds. As you can imagine, dude was ripped. He laughingly told us "I'm a slave to my instrument. I have to make sure I'm able to carry it around." He played beautiful haunting Irish songs and we would sit in our tent and listen. I can't even begin to tell you how moving it was. We really lucked out camping next to him. One night he invited Eddie to come over and play didgeridoo along with him. It was pretty sweet.
In addition to music, there were events that you could participate in. My favorite one by far was the candle labyrinth. They lined up candles into a maze, and you walked through in quiet contemplation. This isn't an actual photo of the one we walked, but here's a picture to give you an idea of what it looks like:

Very Cool.
::::Our county fair took place recently, and I had never gone until this year. My coworker and I took some of the clients from work, and I got my hand stamped so I could go later in the evening with eddie. We got this fabulous idea that we would get inebriated and walk through all the animal barns for fun. Everything was pretty amusing until we got to the pork barn.
Apparently we had timed our arrival with feeding time, and the pigs were beginning to get riled up and start squealing. And not just passive grunting noises, I mean full out bellowing. So we are walking through this barn, and this cacophony of horrible ear piercing squeals begins. And I'll tell you this; nothing is scarier than hearing the simultaneous shrieking of 30 hungry pigs rising in a deafening crescendo. I couldn't help but grab eddie fearfully and yell "It's like being in hell!" Then we ran out of the barn like a couple of fools. It was pretty funny afterwards, but I couldn't help thinking about bricktop in snatch and all his talk about feeding bodies to his pigs. *shudder*
Well that sums up most of what's happened while I've been away. Now it's off to bed. Goodnight!