Bible Grand Slam Deluxe
::::Last friday we had an early easter brunch where I work. We did an easter egg hunt for the clients which was pretty cool. My coworkers and I were stuffing the plastic eggs with candy Thursday night, and they were giving me shit because I was only putting one piece of candy in each of my eggs while they were putting in three or four. Apparently it would be quite the travesty if people opened up their eggs to discover a lone chunk of chocolate inside.
Then I got a bright idea. Why not put veggies inside the eggs? Can you imagine if they opened them up and saw two baby carrots inside? They would shit a brick! It would be Awesome! It would be the greatest late April fools day joke ever! Unfortunately my boss didn't think my idea was as great as I did. :(
After filling all the eggs, it was time to hide them. My boss put all of hers in really obvious places, but C and I thought that they should have to work for it, so we put them in the most ridiculous places we could think of. Watching the clients search for the eggs was a trip. They were getting mad because they couldn't find any. It was great. After a while we started giving them hints. Apparently we forgot some, because we found a couple of the leftover ones this week.
::::Speaking of work, we've been doing some serious spring cleaning and the other day I found this gem:

Bible Grand Slam Deluxe
Ages: 7 and up
No. of Players: 1
Sharpen your Bible batting skills with this exciting game of fun Bible learning in a cyber baseball park that's fun for the whole family. The questions are ranked with the single questions being the easiest and the home run questions being the most difficult. Includes special "Teacher Feature" - add your own questions for customized "lesson" play.
Operating System: Windows
I think it's hilarious. I can't wait to go home and play it!