Peoples Republic of Julia

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kids say the darnedest things

A called me last night with a funny story that I just have to share.

A: "I just got off the phone with my mom. I guess E* (A's son) got in trouble tonight."

Me: "Oh really? What did he do?"

A: "Well he drew a picture of Cartman for C, and he put in a little speech bubble that said 'I'm a fat ass bitch!'"

Me: "And why did he think that this was an appropriate picture to give to C?"

A: "I asked him that, and you know what he said?

'But mom, you have a picture on your fridge that says 'I want an ass sandwich'

And I thought, Oh my god! I do!"

Me: *laughing uncontrollably* "I know exactly what picture you're talking about!"

*When he was quite a bit younger, A's son once helpfully commented to a local waitress that she'd "lost her teeth". He then kindly offered to help her find them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ass sandwich? Es carne de burro!

Sorry, bad Simpsons reference. But still, wtf?

8/17/2007 4:42 AM  
Blogger Stiletto said...

kids, don't really like them but they sure can say some funny things sometimes =P

8/17/2007 5:00 AM  
Blogger MissE said...


Out of the mouths of kids, indeed. Do you think his mum realised that the only word he thought was bad in that sentence appears to have been "ass"... makes you wonder how often he hears "bitch".

8/17/2007 11:23 AM  
Blogger colonel eggroll said...

Mark-Lol. What can I say? I have weird friends. ;) If I get to visit them anytime soon, I'll take a picture of it and post it on flickr.

Stiletto-Yeah, that's how I feel. They're good for entertainment value, but not looking to have one of my own.

Misse-I thought that too! It's too bad she didn't actually get the picture he drew for them, I would've loved to have seen it.

8/18/2007 10:30 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

lol, gotta love it. My nephew once asked me why my arse kept moving when the rest of my body stopped.

I was doing a spot of Aerobics at the time.

8/20/2007 11:31 PM  

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