Food for Thought?
I was hanging out with my mother when she revealed this pearl of wisdom:
"Americans stink because they eat too much cheese."
I must be the stinkiest person on earth because I LOVE cheese. Good thing I wear deodorant. :)
On a complete tangent, I saw this on the Found Magazine Website, and it made my heart melt a little.
Awww, that is a cute note.
Cheese makes us stink? But I love cheese!!!
Cheese = smelly?
that would explain the French......
*evil evil grin*
Personally - I love cheese... particularly the Castello white soft cheese and a really vintage chedder by the Margaret River Cheese Factory.
And I want someone to pass me a note like that... and not want me to pass it on to the person next to me.
I'll pass you that note! But I really want you to give it to Steph...
Anyhow, if we're going to be driving in the same car, don't think I won't let you know if you smell. Cheese farts and road trippin are not a good combination.
Sorry, that's pretty random. The second para of that comment was for Julia.
But I really want you to give it to Steph...
I misread this - I won't tell you what I thought it said but for the first time ever Mark shocked me.
Winter-It is teh cutest. Hey are you as sunburnt as I am? My shoulders king hurt!
Steph-a life devoid of cheese is no life for me!
Misse-LOL! My personal favorites would have to be gouda and cheddar. Heavenly.
Mark-I'll make sure to refrain from excessive cheese consumption before we leave. Perhaps I should eat broccoli instead? Those make lovely farts. :P
haw haw. Thankyou for dragging my very funny joke into the gutter. Well done.
Oh, I am hella sunburnt. I blame you guys for being all "Pffsht, sunblock, who needs that?" Although you can plainly see the places where I put some on. I'm covered with crazed tan/burn lines
On the subject of cheese, I'm a big fan of colby jack, tasty alone and goes well with practically everything.
I'm sooooooooooooory! But I really was shocked and so had to share it.
Winter-Isn't UVA poisoning all the rage right now? I'm a peely red mess. That will be the last time I shun the sunblock!
See? I told you so.
Sunburn = v. painful
Peely = gross
This coming from the person who caved to the anti sunblock peer pressure? >:P
Seriously though. My skin hates me, and is plotting my demise as we speak.
two things:
1) Sunblock is a serious issue. But that could just be the whole "I'm Australian and shit but we get a lot of sun down here and it fricking burns, man, it burns!" added to the whole, Mother gets single cell cancers on her face occasioanlly, MissE is paranoid as all hell, issue.
2) that was just mean, Mark. I don't know how I will ever recover from that ... ;o)
Hey! I only caved a little, I still put some on!
"Anti sunblock peer pressure" Nice :)
MissE - I'm normally all about the sunblock, but well see above.
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