Peoples Republic of Julia

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Work Update

So things have been going pretty well at the new job. I haven't had any problems except for last week when some of the pipes under the bathroom sink became disconnected and gallons of water started shooting out of it. It was insane! In the span of a couple of minutes, the whole bathroom was flooded. There was so much water, it began leaking through the floor and down into the basement.

Here's the conversation I had with the maintenance man on call:

me: um...there's an emergency here. There's water shooting out from under the sink, and it's flooding the bathroom and leaking into the basement.

maintenance guy: Oh.... Well I'm out of town right now. (this is followed by a long pause) I won't be in until later.

me: uh. Okay? (long pause. Watching as water continues to gush out of sink) What should I do?

maintenance guy: Call the other maintenance guy. *click*

Wow. I wonder if everyone else gets such stellar customer service? "Oh, you have an emergency? Well, call someone else!"

Luckily the other guy knew where the water main was so I could shut it off. Unfortunately, the map in the basement was backwards, so it took me a little while to find it. When it was all said and done, I was soaked, and there was water everywhere. But I didn't have to clean it up, which was awesome. I got to go on my lunch break instead.

So basically, everything is going great. I'm just trying to get used to this whole getting up at 7 am five days a week thing.


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